Instructional Design
Instructional DesignExperienced with:
Target Audience: High School & Adult Secondary Students
This lesson was created for the Designers for Learning, a not-for-profit corporation, to share with educators nationwide. It was designed to foster an understanding of how screenplay ideas are written, developed and supported with events, characters, dialogue, and other elements. Based upon the screenplay development of Albion Movie, Inc.) this lesson invites students to consider writing as a practical skill used in careers. Addresses College & Career Readiness Standards (CCRS) for Adult Ed. (AE).
This Civics & Government unit is being used by Indian River State College's Adult Education program. It was designed to be inserted into Florida high school Civics & GED SS Prep courses, aligned with state standards, national iCivics engaging games & evidence based writing activities. -Developed in Articulate Storyline 2
This Language Arts module was designed for GED® level adapted from Confusing Words Who Whoever Whom Whomever (December 2011; ASC Eng/Read)
-Developed in Easy Generator |
Target Audience: Adult Basic Education Students
S.O.S. (Student Orientation for Success) courses designed to offer:
-Developed in Weebly Computer Applications for College & Business: This course is designed to introduce students to microcomputer applications for academic purposes. Major topics include the Windows® operating system, word processing, electronic spreadsheets, electronic databases, and presentation graphics. Repurposed Florida Virtual School Courses to target AE learners. -Dreamweaver |
Target Audience: Teachers, All
Tutorial demonstrating Web 2.0 resource to foster collaboration for teachers and students via the means that they best like to communicate and select. Best of all, a group takes less than two minutes to setup and distribute!
This job aid was developed for the beginner using technology.
Teaching & Connecting with Social Media & Web 2.0 Tools
Get students using those creativity skills. How can they make the world a better place? Think PBL!
Collaboratively implemented regular Collaborate lessons to meet students in a real-time environment while also bringing Google.EDU to IRSC Adult Ed to connect curricula development.
Teach cultural competence; foster world peace. Start in the classroom!
Keep up with Technology... together!
Brilliant projects developed for and by students!
Leading with Systematic Design
Be a leader! Empower your team and engage students in learning!
As part of the FLDOE Accountability Committee this National Reporting System guide was developed as an aid for Adult Educators. |
Recognized for attention to detail with accountability:
"We want to acknowledge all of the participants in the Indian River State College on-site monitoring visit.
Special appreciation is extended to Dr. Edwin R. Massey, Dr. Anthony J. Iacono and Suzanne Ensmann
for their leadership and participation in this process" (FLDOE, 2011).
"We want to acknowledge all of the participants in the Indian River State College on-site monitoring visit.
Special appreciation is extended to Dr. Edwin R. Massey, Dr. Anthony J. Iacono and Suzanne Ensmann
for their leadership and participation in this process" (FLDOE, 2011).
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